Misty_Falls @Misty_Falls

Canada Offline

Builder and Creator of many things


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You are right, I think the block button would be more logical to use.
Depends on the person, we aren't all alike and that's fine.
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I understand how the interested groups want to be identified as individuals by a letter, but there are too many letters now for my tiny brain. I think they should consider an umbrella term, like individualists, divines, identifiable or something, and hurry before my brain melts. (*not poking fun at at anyone but me here.*)
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That didn't occur to me... Thanx
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Me too. Hope everyone is well. Thought tho... Too bad there's not a term for 2SLGBTQQIA+ ... Like individualist or indivigee or something. Too many letters for my little brain 0-o
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Well said, I wish more people on OS thought this way. The endless bickering on OSW has become very tiresome.
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Yeah Drama! I can always count on this community to make something from absolutely nothing. We should all aspire to be more like Boam and Wolf... different grids but willing to put their differences aside to make Opensim better. I salute you both. Safine simply put, showed her appreciation for their teamwork.
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I will leave a copy at my beacon on CrystalWilde, for those who want either item.
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well, i wasn't trying to start anything, just letting some people that were looking for these items, where i found them.
BUT, i see your point, someone, I am sure will get their panties in a knot over the jacket. Thanx Pagane.
One of the great things about the cowgirl is that she is always on top of everything. Get it? On top?

OK, I'll shut up now.
rofl a Big & Rich music fan are we?
I don't know about music, but I do like men who are big and rich. :)
the song is "save a horse, ride a cowboy" the duo Big & Rich
I'm sure it's a good song, but will never beat my favorite, Horsey! Keep Your Tail Up (Keep the sun out of my eyes).
A pioneer spirit, a special [American] brand of courage. The cowgirl faces life head on, lives by her own lights, and makes no excuses. Cowgirls take stands, they speak up. They defend things they hold dear.” The courageous Fellows truly possess the cowgirl spirit. I guess i don't know what Pagane is trying to stir up. But this is the meaning of a "cowgirl".
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Couldn't imagine why someone would ban you. Prolly did you a favor by doing so. LOL
serious tho ... There are some pretty kewl items on her grid.
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I can't believe this topic has not just withered away, this community has beaten it to death. As @Nico has posted, report suspicious activity to the grid owners. I do not recommend screenshots because - 1) clothing can be de-rezzed thus picture is faked, and 2) technically you are transmitting/sharing porn. Food for thought. Simple solution, be like the OP or other grids on OSW, state ADULT AV's only, violators will be banned, DONE! Anyone else that allows ALL AV's, well that's their cross to bear and not yours, stop bitching.
If there is a place that allows all AVs, but prohibits sexual age-play, some kind of proof needs to be provided that this rule is being broken, and by whom. Good point about screenshots. Unfortunately, then we need to depend on the honesty of the person who is reporting it. There are some well-known crusaders who have a history of making false accusations.

It must be noted that people can have sex while clothed. And people can be naked and not having sex. If being naked is being sexual, then there would be no naturalist resorts.
And they *will* ban them. I just saw a nekkid kid avi at my store in Darkheart's Boutiques yesterday who was clearly trolling...and the admin ban them completely right away!
that's great they did, most claim they will take action and dont.
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Such a cool idea, you could even have a generic vehicle rezzer too.
actually i have one of those, i do still have a drive-in oar i had up for awhile
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I have some on my region, they are in a dome and in planters, should be set to copy, if you like
Thank you, Misty. Though they are lovely alien plants, these are not the ones I am looking for. I believe they were made from sculpts and they made an alien sound when you got near them.
Try Jimmy Olsen, he has a sci-fi build.
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sent what i had to osgrid AV,70 pairs hope they help.
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let's see if this wakes anyone up ...
rankings = clients/users - (from an already dwindling population - some say a couple hundred)
cash prize = self sufficiency/profit/financial freedom - (I dabbled a little with Dreamgrid ... lots of work so i don't see the freedom)
government job = we can all dream ...lol
free Pro OSW membership = maybe, if we donated oil for OSW's wallet ...rofl
publicly flogged = again, we can all dream ...
hope this helps.
disclaimer: independently created by a human author and possesses at least some minimal degree of creativity. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
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OMG, NOOOOO... i am now troll bait !!!!
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Very good analogy to the KrisTina v.s. Darkhearts post. IT IS the BIASED onlooker, not the AV.
I wonder what their reactions were to the movie "Avatar" with scantily clad/topless Na'vi children running around the rain-forest?
Thanks for the Godiva read @Pagane, it was entertaining. :)
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we are not trolls either, but somehow we are stalked by both....lmao
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found it, thanx community !
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Bob Solo may have something for you at his SIM ... https://opensimworld.com/hop/88402
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thanx .... I'll go scout it now