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Pagane You should be happy to meet Bot, finally an avatar with your intellectual intelligence quotient. And that's not an insult, but a statement
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Die große Schaum Nacht
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ok, a marketplace link.. what would you like to say
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Children's avatars are annoying. Of course there are age play variants in real life too, but there they take place in a separate area. What bothers me personally about OpenSIM and partly Secondlife is the fact that AgePlay is lived out here in a sexual way. The only thing that's worse is that these users don't adhere to any SIM rating. What is a child avatar doing on an adult SIM? It should be possible in Opensim to agree that children's avatars have no place on adult sims. Anyone who is found with their child avatar on an adult SIM should not be surprised if they are blocked.
I agree, but it also doesn't help when the owners of adult regions are child avatars themselves or reion owners of adult sims allow them. They never adhere to anything and when asked to change to adult or leave they always leave and never try to obey the rules. We cant fix the problem that others are keeping going.
And that's exactly the problem. The problem is that we (the Opensim community) don't have a "standard" set. And I find that more than shameful
We'll never be able to agree upon one mandatory standard for everything.

I mean, there are sims and, I think, even entire grids which are Adult-rated, but whose uptight owners defined the Adult rating as "G-rated, but no child avatars allowed". I wouldn't be too surprised if they tried to push this definition into becoming the one mandatory standard for all of OpenSim.
I agree, child avatars are not welcome in my grid and for good reason. I dont want to be part of the problem or the problem. I want to be part of the solution, however i can only do so much if others are not willing to help set that standard.
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And then why are you posting here?
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Ich finde es erschreckend, dass hier jeder der BOTs benutzt über einen Kam geschoren wird. Es zeigt aber auch, dass 95% der Opesimler noch nicht wirklich was verstanden haben. Sicherlich wird von einem großen Teil der SIM Betreiber der Bot als solches zur Traffic Generierung genutzt.

Aber ein Bot kann aber weitaus mehr als nur Traffik erzeugen (das ist ein nett Nebeneffekt) . Es gibt Funktionen, die sind nur über die Bots abrufbar. Damit sind Bots nicht nur Traffik Macher, sondern auch ein Teil des SIM Projekts. Über welche Funktionen ich hier rede, kann man hier lesen: (Achtung, der Link braucht etwas länger zum laden)

Aber es ist ja viel einfacher jeden über einen Kam zu scheren als sich zu informieren und dann hier den Mund aufzureissen.

Und mal im Ernst, wer doch eine interessant SIM hat (egal welches Thema) empfiehlt sich über Besucher weiter. Der Traffik und Ranking Scheiss kam erst mit OpenSIMWORLD.

Haben fertig
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Tested -> dont work -> trash