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I can't seem to find the box, I have even tried area search... Perhaps you can point me in the right direction as to where it is... Thankies!
Guess box logo was not that much clear. I changed that, its more "colorful" and easier to find. get the Teleporter and as destination, PARTY ( And my bad, it was called DISCO-always mess with the name - so from now on it`s called PARTY sector.
Thank you, great work as always!
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Oh my goodness I have been waiting for someone to bring this out!!! I am hoping it works the same as in the mothership and that I can add all my inventory items in there including builds and such like
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it's a shame that you have to be forced to update your FS to access the sim. I like the version I use because I can use my windlights to take pictures, I don't want to use the newest version and lose all my windlights!
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Well that's a shame that I used to be able to get there and now I can't :(
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when is the new place opening Felix? It looks amazing
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I am so very sorry to hear this, my thoughts go out to all who knew this beautiful soul. She was truly a wonderful person ♥