LeonitasLionheart @LeonitasLionheart

Uranus Online

The King


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I was trying to remember the last time i used that airline, but I feel like I got cobwebs in me head.
Don`t worry about cobwebs. If fly with them again, they have a new .. "service" lol
I would hate to be a fly on the wall, trying to fly with this airline.
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That is a perfectly reasonable request and sorry to hear people been messing around like that. Thank you for sharing the things you do share, and ty for speaking calmly and thoughtfully to the masses :)
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I never feel blue in there...
Its a happy blue!
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Hands motion sickness pills and takes another good hard looking at the mf-ing boat....believe me when I say...i effed a mermaid! :O
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while there might be many other reasons to do so, i am giving this post a Like straightaway simply for the snake on the arch ;)
LOL thank you Leonitas, it goes with the theme of our mall and is on all the major archways. I think, but I'm not sure, that it was made by Thirza Ember. I could be incorrect in that matter or have missunderstood.
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I was the runt. In 3rd grade, a bully kicked my feet out from under me when I and all the kids were running inside from outdoor lunch recess. For good measure, he gave me a strong push from behind as I was falling. My head collided with a sharp solid steel ladder on the playground. Cracked my skull open and required several stitches. Still have the scar. Stepmother almost fainted in Dr office as Dr stuck 10" needle in my skull. Don't worry. The school handed me some of that brown recycled paper towel for the bleeding. Dry, no cold pack, nothing. Bully got 2 weeks vacation. There were several other incidents that year that proved the physically strong prey upon the weak, like being hung up by my backpack in the hallway, feet dangling... Actually I find that one rather amusing, looking back. But I suppose such incidents made me the strong and dominant leader I am today. What don't break a man, make a man. Now I fight for what is the right thing to do or say, always. I stand beside friends and family, and will defend my pride like the lion I am. And as challenging as things were, I very much miss the 80s and 90s. Things were simpler.
This will date me, but in school in the late 60s I was subject to some bullying from one particular person. They just would not leave me alone, and it got to the point where I was at my wits end, so, unfortunately I punched them. They were more emotionally shocked than physically, and I ended up having to answer for my actions to the deputy head teacher, but the one thing positive that came from that incident is that I wasn't bullied ever again at that school.

Bullying always triggers something in me, and I will always take a stand against a bully, wherever they show themselves. I guess that's why in later life I became a labour union representative with a specialism in representing workers who were being bullied by their managers or employers. It's sadly all too common.
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odd, i thought my avi looked so much like rl me. ;) nah i made ai art of bald man with goatee and lighter ;) i got blue eyes, sandy blonde goatee, and FAR less grey hairs :p hehehe
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if you wish to rap battle versus Marshall Mathers aka Eminem, be my guest, sir. He seems keen to battle anyone in the rap game :D But know that you are correcting the words he put in a song; and not my personal grammar. ;)
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"ohhh, i think i told ya! i'm a lover, not a fighter!" ;)

until neccessary. :D
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Thank you for your beautiful jewelry and everything you create and share with opensim. You are Fred are among the beacons and bright lights leading the opensim community through the darkness.
Leonitas, thank you. I appreciate all you bring to opensim too, people like you make it all worthwhile, I appreciate you too 💕
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Sounds like a Whale of a deal, to me!
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Gonna also add that Glenn made a positive compliment on lone wolf's post, and I gave said compliment a like. I like positivity and rationality. I do not like politics or religion in my place of relaxation; my escape, my peace.
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You make a fair point. And perhaps there is too much taunting and poking the bear, so to speak. But there are other factors in play here. 1) such posts are done playfully and ironically, because some people stick their nose in and go off topic so often, hurling cuss words and political rants and views that many of us do not wish to see. 2) If we block this person, we are still forced to see that persons posts. We can avert our eyes or skim or look away, but it's still shoved in our face. Paying supporters of this website are not heard. Block is a joke, and maybe 5% as effective as in os and sl. Many of us bite our tongues and take the high road, and the pacifist approach has proven to be entirely ineffective here on osw. Until satyr hears us and makes block more effective, some will continue to walk away and stop supporting the site, some will continue praying for a website to come around with moderation and or more effective blocking, and some of us will continue to lace up our boxing gloves and throw hands with the bullies. Freedom of speech is important; but freedom of peace and positivity is also quite important to some of us.
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I thought of it, but i like the ring of The Majestic Theater/Cinema. We named the region Royalty, and plan to turn it into a wedding region on a 3x3, free for all to use. It might take us a few months or who knows, but Remmy and i plan to use mostly the builds we bought from you, and have 5 to10 themed areas as different options for people to choose from. The ballroom to us especially screamed wedding reception area. Just a magnificent build, and thank you again! Worth every penny, and quite a bargain, imagining all the time it must have taken you. Stay tuned folks in coming months, and meanwhile go show Luna some support! :D
Thank you so much Leon! This build took about 4 months of intense work.
It really shows. Quality > Quantity. I have always said, wherever one acquires their builds and furnishings, I know people are putting their hearts into their builds. But Remmy and I are always trying to learn new skills, be it in blender, photoshop, gimp, taking rigging classes from Prince....and that's our choice. But it is truly satisfying when you know you created something yourself. We spent a few weeks working together turning a free mesh model of Timon from the Lion King into animesh, and when it finally was dancing around, we were so proud. Though remmy's skills exceed mine currently in certain areas, and she gets most of the credit for that. But also the things we have learned from Prince.

It is my hope that more and more brilliant players put their heart and mind into learning and helping make opensim better, and stand on its own legs. Full credit to SL and LL for having the foresight to opensource the code. We play both actually, and it can be hard finding balance. But always fun. I don't look at sl vs os, or this grid vs that grid. I admire brilliant peers, and everyone that makes any virtual world a more beautiful and imaginitive place!
Eh I just would like too see opensim become its own thing rather than a copy of SL and if that means i have to learn a range of skills to make it unique I will. It may take a real long time or I may never get to the end but the journey is what matters to me.
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I concur. The lack of common sense moderation of the 5 or so people who constantly spew hatred and negativity is very disheartening. Some of us just want peace, happiness, fun, fantasy and imagination in our virtual worlds. Not politics.
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sports his neckbeard proudly out of sheer lack of energy...though i will say when i have an actual function to go to, i clean up quite nicely. my priorities rarely involve impressing people, but i do try to impress people that love me unconditionally, from time to time. ;)
We do love you and we do appreciate the effort =)
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I concur. and fwiw if a Dom and Domme with some opposing political ideals can coexist peacefully and even be partnered, I think literally anyone can get along if they choose to. Love you Remmy, and was curious if you wouldn't mind marrying me very much? Yes i stole that line from a fictional guy named Rocky Balboa, but i am serious. We been partnered a few years and i think it should be time we make it more official. Whatcha say? ♥♥♥
Awwwwwwwwww Ill have to think about it :)
I wish it were like that from the past where we could coexist, and I thumbed up his comment for his Rocky quote ))
cold....ouchies...i had hoped 3 years was enough thinking, but take ya time :D
Ya know i adores ya
And you know i respect you. But beware, i been told that when i want something bad enough, i can bend the will of the entire universe, no matter how long it takes :p :* XoXo
Yeah yeah i know ya have super powers mister haha
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Very mature, Glenn. You just pulled the old "i know you are but what am i? I'm rubber and you're glue so whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!" Get it straight. I blocked you because you are a hateful and political troll and bully who screams and cusses your same words louder and louder thinking the volume of your voice will make your words carry more weight. 1) masks are to be considerate of others around you, you can say that spitting in someone's face or coughing your germs onto them is polite and respectful, but it does not make it so. It helps protect others, not yourself, and if more people looked out for each other instead of their own narcissist views, the world would be a better place. 2) the term "libtards" is disrespectful to both liberals and to people with learning disabilities and less intelligence. I am sorry you have made note of my statements, and facts of my own intelligence makes you feel insecure about your own. But it is never my goal to brag nor to demean others or look down upon nor judge others. Now feel free to proceed with your line of thinking, that the louder you scream cuss words, and the longer your paragraphs, the more you will be respected. Or perhaps you are fueled by hatred. Sorry, you wont get it from me. I actually pity you and feel bad that you live in a world of hatred and anger and have no interest in being a happy or a likeable person. Good luck to you. :(
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Your personal attacks are indeed bullying, Glenn. I DID and STILL have you blocked, and i am not running, mother trucker. Your posts still show despite blocking you. All of your bullying and personal attacks just expose you as the narrow minded hateful person you are. You can rot in your own hateful pissed off world all you want, but you shall not run me out of my own country. I will fight and die for what i believe in if i must, but i will not sit here and be bullied and listen to the constant negativity and pretend like your politics and hatred are a joy to see. In the end, i am prepared to meet my maker and be judged by God, not by Glenn or his expletives.