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well... i guess i am going back then =) Thnks you for the update.
If u got the V8 version, going to make u come back once again.. just updated to V9 olol
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oh, they are VERY attractive! I love that old couch and your engine was just perfect for it! For a noob like me, the position helper is a great help.I would love one for a chair as well. (also check your messages)
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Wow.. it is like you read my mind Jimmy. I have been landscaping project and was just thinking, It would be so nice to have some nice fireworks here. I could not find anything functional at all.....and then one day later here comes Jimmy with the answer! Thank you so much for all the beauty you bring to Open Sim!
Hope u like it :)
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Yay, glad you are back!
So are we! Thanks Soda!
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Jamie, you're a snowflake.
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I actually use "neckbeard" as an insult that crosses all political parties. I just use it for those gross guys who actually can't trim their beards off their necks....grosss!! I care not what your politics are, but buy a razor Tarzan.

I doubt the original post will help matters, and in fact will just make things worse. The bottom line is that it is wrong to ask "us" to make things better. That is not our job and it is not going to work. You should be asking the people who run this site and OSW to do their job and simply enforce the rules they made us all agree to. THAT is where the problem ultimately exists. When someone calls me a "faggot" or a "bitch" on here (can you even be both?) I can't really blame them for just being who and what they are. The people who are in charge who are violating their own Terms of Conduct is ultimately where the blame must fall.
sports his neckbeard proudly out of sheer lack of energy...though i will say when i have an actual function to go to, i clean up quite nicely. my priorities rarely involve impressing people, but i do try to impress people that love me unconditionally, from time to time. ;)
We do love you and we do appreciate the effort =)
Asking ourselves to act like adults and not need to have others parent us or spank our butts is maybe a better way forward.
Remmy, I agree, but it appears their are too many immature or emotionally disturbed in the social network world that cannot handle things any other way. So the only means to convey the message is equally brutal.
I feel that we all can try a different approach in communicating and understanding where our underlying anger comes from.
30+ years of internet experience is no. We are dealing with a new generation that has been warped, indoctrinated, bubble wrapped, and mommified. They cannot handle a dissenting opinion. The older ones, will follow suit so they can remain in their cool kids club and fear being outcasted.

Then there is ME. ))
We can handle dissenting opinions, but we generally object to bigoted fuckwits like you
I can only be responsible for how I act or respond to others. The internet has opened us all up to the differing opinions and thoughts of many people and we are never all going to agree. WHen our worldview is challenged we all can tend to arc up and that just makes things worse in my opinion.
I agree with most of that. Being able to express oneself freely no matter how unpopular the thought may be is deeply important. And I agree that I can only be responsible how I act or respond to others. We all agreed to certain terms of conduct when we signed on. Is it not up to us to try to abide by what we agreed to? When we don't, is it far-fetched to expect that some sort of effort would be made to make sure those terms we all freely agreed to are adhered to?
How is that working out so far?
No one is asking us to be parented....and some people like having their butts spanked :P If I walk into a theater and start smoking, even though there is a "no smoking" sign directly above me, I am not acting like an adult. Nor is it the job of the person next to me to try and make me stop. It is up to the theater owner who posted the sign. Same as the people who make us agree to a clear Terms of Conduct, are the only people responsible for making sure those terms are met. If the people who run this site and OSW itself can't at least enforce their own Terms of Conduct THEY created, they should at stop encouraging bad behavior with "the Box" and by playing fast and loose with who is allowed to be a part of the community and when.
Some do like their butts spanked indeed.
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" I will ask Dan Banner to delete my group "I hate trans people."

You actually took the time to make a group called "I hate trans people"?
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Don't feel bad Jamie, I am a southern conservative and Glenn the bully still calls me a libtard, probably becauseI have a "live and Let live" philosophy. I just look at being bullied by him and being hit with one of his unhinged "get off my lawn" rants about "you people" as part of the OS welcoming process. You really have not made it until Glenn ties you to some insane left-wing conspiracy that mainly exists only in his feeble mind
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The most reliable an up to date version I have found are: For the Maitreya version, go to Mistburry and try the Persephone Body. For the Legacy body, I would go to Darkarts Boutique. For Maitreya X, go to R. Lion. There are other locations, those are the most reliable I have found so far. Hope that helps.
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Thank you for sharing this. It is very informative. I have often wondered how this process would work and you explain it clearly. Plus i learned that "retopologize" is a word!
Welcome Soda!! 🌷🌷
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Your work and continual improvements on this system is incredible. Thank you for all the work you put into this and for making it available.
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This is a great idea Aurora. I do not really RP very much, and one more HUD is usually one too many for me, but i have found having the "history" of Avedon Park laid out helps me as a map of sorts as I try to grow it in the future.

I may have to look into that Medium site as a way to expand it. Love your insatiable creativity!
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That was a great article and nice to see OS getting positive attention. You should be very proud of the article and all the work you do at Wolf Territories.
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Beautiful capture
I loooove the sit poses on this one. They aren't outstanding per se...but don't know, I always liked to sit there.
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Let there be light!
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I like the shower so much that I am redoing my whole bathroom now. Love the hot and cold water =)
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This bench is awesome! I should mention to everyone that it comes with 16 great bench textures including some beautiful painted woods, and the blanket has over 30 texture options! Beautiful!
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this looks so great! is the sea plane available somewhere?
Not sure, but you could ask Karsten about it on Pangea
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Thank you for sharing this information.
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Reading this I was reminded of Kevin Bacon's character in "Animal House" screaming, "All is well! Remain calm!"

Nice little feel good post by LL to officially sweep this whole ugly mess under the rug once and for all. Everyone claiming the alleged claims made would somehow lead to criminal investigations or (gasp!) the downfall of LL were all greatly mistaken and it simply turned out to be, as I predicted here months ago, just a basic HR issue.

"..,all Lindens and contractors have stayed in compliance with our own community guidelines" Yes, but only because the ones that WERE NOT in compliance are no longer employed there and are thus not "Lindens". Nice spin there.

The "modesty layer" is an interesting approach. Seems like a good idea. It might work, or it might also lead to more issues. I am glad at least that LL realizes that merely having a childlike avatar does NOT automatically mean something exploitive or sexual is occurring. That kind of thinking is narrowminded and wrong-headed. I also hope the LL is making some legitimate changes in their work environment because claims of a hostile work environment have been made more than a few times now.

The rest of the post seems like stuff I have read from them 100 times before. I expect a few "community forums" and some holding hands and singing songs about how important the "community" is and then this little issue will be just a memory and LL will go back to focusing on what it really cares about...the big sell-off of Tilla to Thunes