Yin Yang Town Adult

Yin Yang Town
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Yin Yang Town
Created :
23 days ago
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Yin Yang Town is a small Japanese traditional town in the old Japanese imperial style.
You can explore Yin Yang Town on foot or use the Teleport Board to reach the different spots.

Relax with Tai Chi that you can find in the garden or in the palace and listen to the sounds around you.

You can also live in one of the 5 Free Homes and one House Boat that are available for rent on private plots. Use the rent system. Per plot -1000prims/Radio Stream change/set your plot private please.

I wish you a pleasant stay and have fun exploring Yin Yang Town.

Yin Yang Town fills your ears with gentle music from one of the most beautiful streams for relaxation music.

I'm still building the region, so I ask for compensation for one or two little chaos around.

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2 minutes ago

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Reviews (5)
Overall Rating:
Sodasullivan Deserves more than five stars! A truly magnificent region that surrounds you with a true feeling of ancient Japan. It is clear that attention was paid to every detail and there are wonderful views in every direction. Very relaxing environment and I highly recommend a visit.
Yana Dakota Beautiful Region, visit yesterday for the first time...it looks wonderful and its very recognizable for me. We have similar but still very different landscaped regions. wonderful job ! A 5 stars very worth!! Best layout i ever saw!
Richard Lagoon Beautifully designed Japanese old town, can't wait to see when it's finished.

Region Comments

Beautiful Region, visit yesterday for the first time...it looks wonderful and its very recognizable for me. We have similar but still very different landscaped regions. wonderful job !
Beautifully designed Japanese old town, can't wait to see when it's finished.