Passion Jumanji @PassionFlower Land Online

I am the owner of the grid Land. I only accept visitors, I do not have any plans to have residents. I am building my grid for ABSOLUTE fun & pleasure seeking individuals to come and rest their weary minds, body's and soul's & escape from real life ;) Just come, take off your hat, kick up your feet, and REVIVE your selves! ;)

Liked posts

When: Saturday June 1
Time: 8:00am Grid Time
MAP:'s Sex Hideaway

Mattt McGregor: The Goddess is dead. Long live JaM's. And Rogue, we've waited what feels like forever you!!! yesterday
All about transgender people. :)
Transgender - From Wikipedia, "A transgender person (often shortened to trans person) is someone whose gender identity differs from that typically associated with the sex they were assigned at birth."

Transexual - A transgender person who desires medical assistance to transistion from one sex to another.

Transgender - includes transmen, transwomen, non-binary, genderqueer,gender 3 people, drag queens, drag kings, cross-dressers.

Gender 3 - A person who is neither a man or a woman.

Being transgender is distinct from sexual orientation, and transgender people may identify as heterosexual (straight), homosexual (gay or lesbian), bisexual, asexual, pansexual, or non-label.

cisgender - gender identity matches assigned sex at birth.

Transfeminine - any person, binary or non-binary, who was assigned male at birth and has a predominantly feminine gender identity or presentation.

Transmasculine - a person, binary or non-binary, who was assigned female at birth who has a predominantly masculine gender identity or presentation.

androphylic transexual - a transexual attracted to men.

gynephilic transexual - a transexual attracted to women.

bisexual transexual - a transexual attracted to both men and women.

asexual transexual - a transexual attracted to neither men or women.

pansexual transexual - a transexual attracted to men and women, but also the entire transexual spectrum.

non binary transexual - agender, androgynous, androgynes, bigender, pangender, or genderfluid, and exist outside of cisnormativity.

agender non-binary transexual - genderless transexual.

androgynous non-binary transexual - identifies as being both male & female simultaneously.

androgynes non-binary transexual - identifies as being beyond both male & female simultaneously.

intergender androgynes non-binary transexual - identifies as being between male & female genders.

bigender non-binary transexual - switches to male or female gender.

genderfluid non-binary transexual - moves between male & female roles.

transvestite - synonym for cross-dresser. a person who dresses in opposite cis gender style.

Faux Queen - woman who does female drag.

Pagane: Some of what I say in this post and others these days makes me angry and sad at the same time. People who aren't affected don't know what it's like to encounter rejection and hatred everywhere just be... 8 days ago
The Majestic Entertainment Complex is now ready at my store Lunaria Emporium on Wolf Territories Grid. Outside of my home region of Luxor, this is the most ambitious venue I've made so far, and I've tried to put a lot of detail and value into the build.

There are two versions available: 1 - A Venue-Only version that includes the building itself, and 2 - a Full DIY version that includes the entrance pool area, trees, searchlights, one each of the furniture sets, and all the artwork. Everything is modify / copy. Eventually there will be a full rezzer version that will place out everything as it's set now.

Important Note: The scripts used to run the movie screen only work on Wolf territories Grid and are not included with the sale versions. The build is modify, so you can add your own to the build if you like.

I also welcome those of you who would just like to explore the build, and for you all the hanging artwork you see inside the building is free 🙂 HG Address is: Emporium - Main Store

Opensimworld doesn't allow for multiple shots in a post, so for full pics, see my Facebook post here: or on MeWe here:

Passion Jumanji: AWESOMELY FANTABULOUS! ;) 10 days ago

Bobby can now generate Photos, Terrains and much more
Youtube Video

Passion Jumanji: OH BOBBY! You are getting smarter & smarter as each day goes by! OH BOBBY! You melt my heart! ;) Keep up the good work, Bobby & Lone TOOOOOO! ;) 14 days ago
This is when DJ Darria was DJing for us at Wolf Pack Club today! :)

DJ Dariaa is from the Ukraine and is a fantabulously awesome DJ bringing us her REMIX MASHUP MIXES TUNES! ;)

DJ Dariaa is here on Tueday's & Friday's! ;)

Please come on over & enjoy her REMIX MASHUP MIXES like we do ;)

We had a bunch today & made it to #1 on OSW! ;) WOOT! ;)

Ginger Snaps (Snips): Dariaa is absolutely amazing! 17 days ago
Singer Songwriter Samuel James delivers a great acoustic show! Samuel is a must listen to Autistic artist from Australia. With his mesmerizing voice and captivating lyrics, he delivers a one of a kind musical experience that will leave you absolutely breathless.
WHEN: 11:00am
MAP: hop://

Rogue LIVE - Acoustic Session
WHEN: 10:00am
MAP: hop://

News! hop://

thedeeferry: Could not find this lovely flybug swarm, erigeron & perdita lavenderfield, garden butterfly thingy. :( 19 days ago
***Important Announcement to Grid Owners***
I'm an Admin on Wolf Territiories Grid. Our residents, Passionae Love and Chief JudahBean are NOT Passion Jumanji, nor do they have anything to do with her. I have personally voice verified that they are not Passion Jumanji or her alts. Please do not ban them thinking they are Jumanji alts. They only want to visit your grid peacefully and enjoy what open sim has to offer.

FreshVirtualWorld: dont care. keep your drama in Wolf Territiories Grid. ;) 22 days ago

Hey Everyone I'm Praying Each And Everyone Of you Having A Blessed Day

YOU are missing in this equation!
Are you a DJ looking to express your talents?
Then look no further!
We may have just what you are looking for! 😉
Contact Wolf Territories Entertainment Managers,
Xenon Darrow and/or Savannah Joy
over on Wolf Territories Grid
and they will give you the details that you need.
hop:// Pack/437/539/27
TIME? - 2 PM - 4 PM
hop:// Pack/478/578/27
my radio & stream: play 24/7
my discord server:
TIME? - 12 NOON - 2 PM
hop:// Pack/478/578/27
Musician and artist, PhD candidate in electronic music. I come from SL and Outworldz (1regionss), to Wolf Territories. I am interested in building in Blender.
Autism advocate and living with the condition. My regions are Rael's World, Rael's Small Sci-Fi Island and Rael's Small Medieval Village.
My interests are playing and recording Music, LOTR, Star Wars, Dune, MCU, Raymond E Feist, Terry Brooks, Harry Potter, DJ'ing.... I'm Pagan... My art is up at my Gallery, and at the Gallery at Wolf territories Ocean 20...
Ocean 20 hop:// Territories Ocean 20/366/169/23
My music is on all streaming platforms,
This is the news everyone tried to guess what it was. Virtual beach region which is our current welcome region is getting a major upgrade!

I would like to thank Darci Viper and Lilly Sparks from OS grid for doing the complete rehaul and putting up with me. They have put a lot of effort in the region, I have done a few things but the credit really goes to them.

Also i want to thank Cuetulala artis aka bloom peters for working on a special project in there i cant yet reveal.

When it is finished, there will be a reveal party, stay tuned for details.

Lillysparks: I am SO happy and excited I just cannot wait! That will be a party spot for sure. xoxox. You designed a lot of it too, take credit where it is deserved. Hugs. 28 days ago
Your IP Address is recorded every time you visit any sim in the robust log. This means you cannot go to ANY sim without your IP being recorded. All I have to do to see anybody's IP is go to my robust file, and search on part of their name. This pulls up their name, ip address, cmac, and key. So if you are paranoid or don't your information out there, then don't come to the metaverse. First of all the way ip addresses work, your IP address MUST be told to the server you are visiting so it knows WHERE to send visual data back to so that you can see it. In fact, this is how the entire internet works. So get a grip.

Lillysparks: Cyberglo, you are so cool the way you ended this crash-course in IP basics. "Get a grip" LOL. You must have been around someone who was complaining...this seems oddly specific. Hehe 29 days ago

There's a new group gift available for free inside the lobby at Lunaria Emporium on Wolf territories Grid. Look for the group kiosk on the right. Make sure to wear your group tag!

Today is the day!!! I am so excited to finally open the gallery for all to enjoy! Thank you to everyone who has supported and encouraged me over this long journey to get here. I can't wait to see you all! Noon grid time. Formal because we like to dress up! Beau Retrouve

Passion Jumanji: So sorry I could not come to the grand opening, Star! But I did come later that day! I was impressed! I loved all the artwork that I saw there. I even got several souvenirs to take home with me! ;) I ... 1 month ago

Having a great meeting on Wolf Territories grid :-)

Passion Jumanji: Every meeting is more informative than the next! Excellence at its best! The learning possibilities are endless here! Always something new just around the bend! I am so awe inspired by this Gentlemanl... 1 month ago
Today, from 11am grid time, the Expo party ! some hear 3 hours of great music, and explore the 100+ booths from all over Opensim, with freebies Landmarks, information, and links to many exciting places and people!
Thanks in advance to the fabulous Zoree Jupiter, Marlon Wayne, and Zeno Stark for the music, and everyone who has participated so far, for all their hard work to make this such a fun event.

Emma Florido: It was a great time i could spend there, thanks to all who made it posible ♥ 1 month ago

One of Putri's children is very sick and still has a few critical days to get through.....we can all just pray that the child gets well again quickly...Putri has canceled all shows for the time being

Passion Jumanji: Prayers Putri! SO MANY Prayers going up for you & your child! 2 months ago

Soon I will Be Opening a Photo Studio. I can take your photos. Here Is A Photo i Just Did.

Hi, I'm looking for a DJ booth/table/stand and other dance club equipment with a swamp/bayou aesthetic. Bonus points if the swamp happens to be on an alien planet with giant, green, scaly critters under the water! Don't ask what it's for, or else I'll have to invite you ;)

FallenAngel Absent: Maybe have a look at Druskus Impero Island, he has a bunch of lights, DJ equipment --> 2 months ago

New Shop: AI Creations

Ⓩ░░░ ( ¯:¯)░乙ƠƦЄЄ░JUPƖƬЄƦ
Ⓞ░░(¯`·.\ /.·´¯)░Event Plaza-Osgrid
Ⓡ░ (¯ `·. ❀.·´¯)░2:00 - 3:00pm
Ⓔ░░(_.·´/ \`·._)░ Casual
Ⓔ░░░ (_.:._)░Pop,love,disco,fado,rock,country,etc

Live streaming my desktop in world! Part of our new server infrastructure,

Passion Jumanji: This is GREAT! I'm so thankful so many new options are coming to Wolf Territories Grid! Thank You Lone! Such a great idea for both streaming movies, where we can have Movie Nights and what nots and li... 2 months ago
Haha, this is cute! Auditioned this avi from Darkhearts Boutiques, it's soooo much funnnn!!!!

I don't understand the hatred towards child avis in Open Sim. Sure, they shouldn't engage in adult activities and maybe not hang in Adult sims but otherwise, what's the problem? Spare me the politics here, I don't need it.

My usual choice to look smaller is usually as a Dinkie. But I think I'll stock up on these avis, too!

Sodasullivan: That hair and hat combo is so cute! 2 months ago

Happy Easter from My Virtual Beach

Passion Jumanji: Thank You! ;) 2 months ago
Magic Fingers. Your hands are covered with glowing swirling rings of light, you move your hands in strange patterns casting arcane magic spells. Created by Arthur King and scripted by Arthur King and CyberGlo. Now available at the Black Shades store here: Terra or at the Wizardry store here:
OverWatch Sentry Version 55. This latest version is not at wizardry. It is at the Welcome. I have set it to buy for $0. Please update as soon as possible. We have tested this and it will be the last & final version with all bugs fixed. Get yours at
I am so happy to be part of Wolf Territories! Lone Wolf is doing truly cutting edge things in OpenSim! Hyperconverge servers migration, bulk region opportunities, complimentary regions for 501s and edu's - and more to come! Well done, Lone!

Thorben Goerssen: Wolf ist der ein sehr guter hat wenn man ein Problem hat immer Zeit und kümmert sofort darum. Auch ich bin sehr stolz ein Mitglied vom Wolf Ter. zu sein und kann es nur weiterempfehlen. 2 months ago

You may have noticed several troublemakers missing from Don't let it bother you.

KrisTina: Nope, still here. 2 months ago
I have created a Magic Carpet that can fly FOUR people around a sim and is driven by the first sitter. BUT THAT'S NOT ALL! For 3 easy installments of ZERO DOLLARS you also get a carpet that has bones. This means the carpet can flutter in the wind as you fly. Unfortunately I do not know how to script animated bones. But if you do, I would love a copy of the rug back as an animated magic rug. :D It's at

GlennXpletive: haha Good job. Reminds me of a slum bus I had everyone jump on and drove around Dusk beach in SL to create one of the funniest memories there. All you need to add to this carpet is the passengers twer... 2 months ago
I repaired MAHJONG by Xylor Baysklef. The amazing Xylor made this years ago, and it was broken and stopped working. I just went through thousands of lines of code and fixed all 13 broken scripts. Now it will work in dreamgrid or anywhere. :) I'm leaving it at This is a fun 1 person or multiplayer game and it is very advanced and sophisticated.

Rogue Galaxy: awesome I love playing majong!!! 3 months ago
I have noticed that in recent scripting the lsl compiler will frown on assignment of variables at the same time as declaration. Example: integer intNum = 5; Now the compiler seems to want a separate declaration and a separate assignment like this: integer intNum; intNum = 5; I have noticed this stops many scripts from working right. You can also no longer do this: for (integer i=0....) because the integer i is both defined and assigned in the same statement. Additionally I have noticed that you cannot simply say touch_start() anymore, but must say touch_start(integer p) and pass in the integer number of the detected touch. I am wondering if the assignment/declaration problem also applies to global variables? Is anyone aware of these changes? I know that touch_start() used to work, but now doesn't without the parameter passed by value.

Arielle: I don't know much about scripting but wondering what Opensim version you are seeing these changes on? 3 months ago

so guys, Safari is on a break for about 6 weeks, we come back at the end of April. Thanks for all your support!

More updates to the welcome area

LET`S FINISH THE JOB! COME TO VISIT US at EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter.. Make sure your environmental settings is activated for better experience.

A view from Diamond Customs boat builders on to a 12x12 Madrigal. Those mountains were generated by our terrain generator in the control panel at


EUROPA, Moon of Jupiter // The only SIM where Lizard people DO EXIST!! O.o

KrisTina: So no wearing the MIB outfit, gotcha. 4 months ago
We added over 1200 second life sized regions last month. All our regions are joined together so you can sail or fly anywhere, lots of space to breathe! (source, hypergridbusiness). Most of the regions are 4x4s we've got 1 8x8 and about 3 12x12s - get yours

NoraCola: Is there a way to learn about pricing of land before making an account, for comparison? 4 months ago
Grid Security? It's laughable really. Take for example Dan Banner banning Kaishun Oleander. Kaishun just changed the name, gets an account at another grid and bounces into osgrid every day right under dan's nose, and there's really nothing he can do about it. lol. So called 'grid security' is a joke. The autowatch sentry which I created can't stop people who do this... It can make a really good effort. Some people didn't like overwatch, then i took v38 down and deleted it, but then a bunch of people came back to me behind the scenes asking me for a copy. They are scared of public retribution but need the help managing their sim visitors. So I stuck the code on opensimworld in the script area. That way people that want it can d/l the code or just contact me and I'll make you one. :) Happy New Year!!!

Harper Held: Whitelist or gtfo, I say! That's right ...ban them all! The lord knows who are his own! :D (just kidding but seriously...visitors are a virus vector :'( ) 5 months ago